To understand the origin of this special product (RSO oil) that inhibit curiosity and a lot of health benefits, we need to know who Rick Simpson is.


Rick simpson is a Canadian born Engineer who lived in the province of Nova Scotia in Canada. He worked for a company in the 1990s which got him expose to Asbestos. A dangerous substance found in boilers, which has infected many over the years back them.


Rick Simpson was treated but still suffered some afterward dizziness and chronic head ache. After following up with doctors and using pharmaceutical products. He still didn’t feel better, hence to remedy the pains he started experimenting marijuana as a possible solution.

After getting a few positiveĀ results, he manage to clear the pains. Unfortunately by 2003 he got diagnose with cancer. To fight the cancer, he went further in exploring marijuana as a means of curing his cancer.

about rso
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Rick Simpson’s oil is a full-spectrum cannabis extract with high THC concentration. Initially, the RSO product of Rick Simpson himself contain high THC and CBD. Nonetheless, over the time, variations of RSO with lower THC concentration as compared to their CBD concentration. Rick Simpson Oil is a new scientific approach in the medical field to treat Cancer, Ease pain and other diseases.

After Rick Simpson himself used the oil to treat his skin cancer. Others have experimented its use and come up with their own conclusion about RSO. Rick Simpson Oil has not yet been approved and recognize as treatment for Cancer andĀ  other Diseases. RSO oil can only be ingested and should not be smoke.

What is RSO good for